The Auror's Apprentice

the aurors apprentice icon trophy achievements hogwarts legacy wiki guide 240px
Trophy Quality ps5 bronze trophy
Description Find the map chamber as a Hufflepuff.

The Auror's Apprentice is a Trophy or Achievement Reward in Hogwarts Legacy. Achievements or Trophies are extra goals of the game that players get rewarded with for meeting certain requirements in the game, it unlocks different lifetime trophies or achievements for the player and it is permanently recorded to their respective platform. In Hogwarts Legacy, there are 46 Playstation Trophies that players can achieve. (1 Platinum ps5 platinum trophy, 2 Gold ps5 gold trophy, 15 Silver ps5 silver trophy, and 28 Bronze ps5 bronze trophy)


How to Unlock The Auror's Apprentice Achievement in Hogwarts Legacy

The The Auror's Apprentice Achievement is unlocked by completing the following requirement/s:


The Auror's Apprentice Rewards in Hogwarts Legacy

 By completing "The Auror's Apprentice", you can unlock the following player reward/s:

  • Trophy Quality: Bronze
  • Unlocked Achievement: The Auror's Apprentice Achievement


Notes, Tips & Trivia for The Auror's Apprentice in Hogwarts Legacy

  • Notes, Tips and Trivia go here.
  • Hogwarts Legacy does not have difficulty associated trophies, so players can obtain them all at story difficulty. The game has 4 different trophies regarding the map chamber. This may be troublesome because you have to find the map chamber while being part of one of the 4 houses of Hogwarts (Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw), leading up to at least 4 partial playthroughs to unlock all of them.
  • The Missable Trophies correspond to reaching the Map Chamber with each House. As the player can only choose 1 house per playthrough, as the house cannot be changed once it's chosen. However, these Trophies can be obtained 'early' within about 2 hours of gameplay by skipping unnecesary quests and cinematics.
  • For the Collector's Edition trophy: Most Collectibles are obtained by completing Main Quests and Side Quests, remember to obtain your rewards for completing Challenges. Enemies will also drop some of the common Collectibles.



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